Del 7 al 10 de setembre de 2009 es celebrarà a Barcelona el VIII
Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en Didáctica de les Ciencias,
organitzat per la revista Enseñanza de las Ciencias. L'Institut de
Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i el
Vicerrectorat d'Investigació de la Universitat de València, com editors
de la revista, us convidem a participar-hi. En aquesta edició el tema
central és "Ensenyament de les ciències en un món en transformació" i la
seu el CosmoCaixa de Barcelona.
El període de tramesa de propostes de comunicació s'inicia el 15 de
novembre i restarà obert fins el 19 de gener, pel que fa a les
inscripcions estaran obertes fins el 31 de maig. Tots els tràmits poden
realitzar-se mitjançant la pàgina web del Congrès.
Organització VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en
Didáctica de las Ciencias
dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2008
dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008
8th Biennial Conference of the German Environmental Psychology Division, September 6th - 9th, 2009, in Zürich, Switzerland.
The 8th Biennial Conference of the Environmental Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology (8. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Umweltpsychologie) will take place September 6th - 9th, 2009, in Zürich, Switzerland. The conference primarily address the following
topics: Behavioral Interventions, Conservation Behavior, Environmental Decision Making, Environmental Risks, Living in Built Environments, Methods in People Environment Studies, Mobility Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Psychology of Noise Annoyance, Psychology of Sustainability.
Submission of symposia of 4 to 5 thematically related presentations (especially from different research groups with a multidisciplinary
composition) are encouraged. Note that our poster sessions will have an interactive format involving short oral summaries of each poster.
Papers from all areas of environmental and conservation psychology are welcome (Deadline for submissions: April, 30th, 2009). Conference language will be English. Three renowned scientists in different fields of Psychology (Paul Slovic, Frances E. Kuo, Wander Jager) will give keynote addresses. There will be plenty of opportunity to meet with colleagues and peers. Conference host is the Social Psychology Division at the Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich and the Workgroup of Modeling Social Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. For more information, see
Sincerely, Hans-Joachim Mosler
Umweltpsychologie) will take place September 6th - 9th, 2009, in Zürich, Switzerland. The conference primarily address the following
topics: Behavioral Interventions, Conservation Behavior, Environmental Decision Making, Environmental Risks, Living in Built Environments, Methods in People Environment Studies, Mobility Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Psychology of Noise Annoyance, Psychology of Sustainability.
Submission of symposia of 4 to 5 thematically related presentations (especially from different research groups with a multidisciplinary
composition) are encouraged. Note that our poster sessions will have an interactive format involving short oral summaries of each poster.
Papers from all areas of environmental and conservation psychology are welcome (Deadline for submissions: April, 30th, 2009). Conference language will be English. Three renowned scientists in different fields of Psychology (Paul Slovic, Frances E. Kuo, Wander Jager) will give keynote addresses. There will be plenty of opportunity to meet with colleagues and peers. Conference host is the Social Psychology Division at the Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich and the Workgroup of Modeling Social Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. For more information, see
Sincerely, Hans-Joachim Mosler
dissabte, 1 de novembre del 2008
VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Ambiental - Septiembre de 2009 - Argentina
En encontraéis la información sobre el evento.
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